viernes, 19 de agosto de 2016

The correction of my first post

My expectation (with corrections from Lang-8)

Hello dear teacher and classmates: 

My name is Karla. I'm a new student of CELE-UNAM and I'm also studying in a PhD History program. I have come here with after taking a placement test and feel so happy because I haven't (formally) studied English before, but I try to practice, read on my own. I'm self taught.

I know that maybe this little text has some mistakes, but I enjoyed doing it all (even with a little help from google, haha).

My expectation of level 4 in the 412 group, mainly is to learn the basics of English in order to have a solid foundation and later I can become a bilingual person (and maybe even study another language in the future). Now I'm very optimistic, because the experiencies in every class that I've had with Professor Arturo Licona have been great. He is fun and very nice.

Well, I really hope that this text will not be too bad, but I will review all your comments and corrections.

See you later.



jueves, 18 de agosto de 2016

Lang-8 Screenshot

First screenshot of Lang-8. Create a profile and receive my first corrections.


My expectation of level 4

Hi, dear teacher and classmates:

My name is Karla, i'm a new student of CELE-UNAM and also i'm studying in a PhD History program. I become here with a placement test and feel so happy because I haven't studied (formally) english before, but I try to practice, read an talk self-taught. I know maybe this little text it has errors, but I enjoy to do it at all (evenly with a little help of google, jeje).

My expectation of level 4 in 412 group, mainly is to learn bases of english for to have a solid formation and later I can be a bilingual person (and maybe study another language in the future). Now I'm very optimistic, because the experiencies in every class with professor Arturo Licona has been so good, funny and nice.

Well, I really hope so this text not be too bad, but I review all your comments and corrections.

See u later.
